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Political contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The $5,000 per person contribution limit and the $30,000 aggregate limit on contributions from members of a law firm includes contributions by spouses and children. Contribution limits are per election.

Under the new Judicial Campaign Finance Law, any lawyer or employee of a law firm is considered to be a member of that firm.

Also, a contribution by the spouse or minor child of an individual is attributed to the individual for purposes of contribution limits.



Please mail all checks or money orders to:
Judge Aiesha Redmond Campaign
P.O. Box 1252
DeSoto, TX  75123

No communication related to any matters of the court will be accepted through this campaign website. To contact the court   ▬    click here

Political Advertisement paid for by the Judge Aiesha Redmond Campaign, Lee Lemons, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act and the Fair Campaign Practices Act.

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